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Help people in need at this critical time.

Interest and hidden-fee free! Nonprofits get increased average donation sizes and they receive all donations upfront rather than waiting months. You’ve heard of buy now, pay later… with B Generous, you can give now, and pay later … all while making the world a better place!

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B Generous was started with a simple mission: get more donations to nonprofits, faster.

The desire to give is stronger than it has ever been.

As a team of nonprofit and philanthropy technology executives we knew the problem from both sides: nonprofits want bigger donations, but most donors are constrained from helping more. Credit card interest rates are high and income hasn’t kept up with inflation. And yet… the desire to give is stronger than it has ever been. That’s why we developed Donate Now, Pay Later™.

Enriching the lives of those that need it most.

A new way to give that’s interest and hidden-fee free – allowing donors to give more and more often without burdening their bank accounts. DNPL, as we call it, also allows nonprofits to expand their mission and good works. As operators in the nonprofit world for decades you can rest assured that we created B Generous for the right reasons – not to enrich ourselves but to enrich the lives of those that need it most.